Friday, March 7, 2008

The Mask

The mask has been shed,

The face revealed now.

It was not deadly nor sinister,

As was thought.

A cherubic face,

An angelic disposition.

Anyone would be fooled

If it were not for those icy eyes

Yeah, they were cold;

Piercing, menacing all the while.

None could decipher,

The feline felony in those eyes.

The gaze was sharp,

And the viciousness evident.

Yet, I couldn't muster

The courage to finish the

Evil that lurked.

Maybe it's me that I saw

A piece of my soul.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Moderates played their game again
They struck from behind
Keeping the smile intact

Quite like them
Have been like that every time
Wolves in lambs' gear

Fine they did so
The truce was disturbing
Too artificial to bear

Now we can fight
Neck to neck
Man to man

The flowing blood
Will bear witness
To what tomes couldn't